Healing through Compassion

Sreshtha - Purposefully Passionate

About Me

Hi Gorgeous! My name is Sreshtha Tewari and I am an Emotional Intelligence Coach. Professionally, I spent over 20 years of my life in the corporate world inspiring persons to success with the belief that they could do anything they wanted. At heart, I would love all women to live mentally and emotionally free. I am an advocate against domestic abuse and I'm passionate about women being with partners who truly deserve them. I help the disenchanted believe in love again...
If you are an intellectual woman over 35 you are in the right place. You will find access to my workshops, webinars and other services that will lead you to your most authentic you in a mentally and emotionally freeing way!
Helping the disenchanted believe in love again.

Love is a sweetness of emotion - Sadguru

Payment Info

We accept debit and credit cards facilitated through WiPay.
Our primary payment currency is USD. If you would like to pay in TTD please send an email to selfworth@purposefullypassionate.com including the product you are interested in. You will be sent an invoice within 24 hours.

Contact Us

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Our address
Caroni, Trinidad
Open hours